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    Living Landscapes Earthscapes

    编号:14-122 类型:记录片

    视频编码:蓝光原版 影片大小:22.3 GB 片源分类:

    地区:美国 是否蓝光:是蓝光 音频格式: 发行年份:2010 更新时间:2010/5/26 12:59:41

    发行年份:2010 影片备注:

【影片名称】 Living Landscapes - 世界上最美丽的地方
【影片格式】 1920 x 1080

【文件类别】 Blu-ray Remux
【语言发音】 本片不需字幕,纯音乐
【音轨信息】 Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround (448kbps)


"Nature porn" in the high-def world is the equivalent of what the first Nickelodeons to motion pictures in the early part of the 20th century -- endless loops of beautiful waterfalls, leaves blowing gently in the wind and hummingbirds pollinating flowers, all solely for the benefit of dazzling the eye and exciting the senses. No, it's not "about" anything, but who needs plot when all you want to do is show off that new high-def TV you just paid six grand for?


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